A young female quarterback makes a pass while a boy reads RISE flag football rules

Flag Football Game Rules

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ALL rise games follow a 5 v 5 format

NO RUSHING THE QUARTERBACK in U8-U12 Divisions, unless the QB fakes a handoff, which will trigger a defensive player to cross the LOS and rush the QB.

  • Field is 25 yards wide and 50 yards long, including the 5-yard end zones.
  • Standard games are 5 players v 5 players for U8, U16, and U18.
  • Standard games are 6 players v 6 players for U10, U12, U14.
  • If teams are short players and have 1 less player than the standard game format listed above for their division, the game format can be reduced to 5 players v 5 players for U10, U12, U14 and 4 players v 4 players for U8, U16, and U18. The referee and coaches must discuss this prior to the game whistled in.
  • Two 20-minute running clock halves (5-minute break at half).
  • Each possession starts at the 5-yard line after scores, turnover on downs and/or halftime.
  • 45-second play clock for Grade U8 Division.
  • 30-second play clock for U10-U18 Divisions.
  • The offensive team has three downs to get a first down at mid-field, then 4 downs to score once they have crossed mid-field.



  • Touchdowns = 6 point
  • Extra Point (5-yard line) = 1 point
  • Extra Point (10-yard line) = 2 points
  • Safety = 2 points and the defense gets the ball
  • A safety can happen when the ball carrier’s flag is pulled in the endzone.
  • When a ball is intercepted on a convert play, it is considered a dead ball.



  • Offensive Pass Interference – 10-yard penalty and replay the down.
  • Illegal Motion (2 players in motion) – 5-yard penalty and replay the down.
  • Illegal Formation – 5-yard penalty and replay the down.
  • Illegal Run – 5-yard penalty and loss of down.
  • False Start – 5-yard penalty, replay the down.
  • Illegal Forward Pass – 5-yard penalty and loss of down (QB steps over the LOS or QB throws a forward pass behind the LOS).
  • Blocking – Ball is placed at the spot of the foul and loss of down.
  • Leaping – Ball is placed at the spot of the foul and loss of down.
  • Flag Guarding (including stiff arms) – 5-yard penalty from the spot of the foul and loss of down.
  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct – 15-yard penalty (possible ejection).
  • Delay of Game – Clock is stopped and a 5-yard penalty.
  • No Intentionally Grounding Penalty – 5-yard penalty, loss of down and start the clock.


  • Defensive Pass Interference – 10-yard penalty and replay down unless it’s an offensive catch; Offense decides. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.
  • Illegal Contact (holding, jams, etc.) – 5-yard penalty and replay down unless it’s an offensive catch; Offense decides. 1st can occur depending on the yardage.
  • Defensive Holding while Pulling Flag – 5-yard penalty added to the end of the play. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.
  • Illegal Flag Pull (before player has ball) – 5-yard penalty and replay down. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.
  • Offside – 5-yard penalty and replay down. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.
  • Illegal Rushing (before a hand-off has occurred) – 5-yard penalty and replay the down; offense decides depending on the result of the play. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.
  • Inadvertent Tackle – 5-yard penalty added to the end of the play and replay down.
  • Inadvertent Tackle from Behind with a Clear Path to Endzone – Automatic touchdown.
  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct – 15-yard penalty and automatic 1st down (possible ejection).
  • Defensive Penalties inside the 10-yard line will result in half the distance to the goal line if applicable.

4. RUles for Different Age Groups

U8 Division Rules & Goals

In this division we want to get the players lined up properly and running in the right direction. We want to be flexible with the rules and teach the players the proper fundamentals of football.

  • 45-second play clock.
  • Unlimited runs.
  • One coach is allowed on the field for both offense and defense.
  • Pass count is 5 seconds until “sack”.

U10 Division Rules & Goals

In this division we want to start limiting the number of run plays and start encouraging the use of the pass play. Players should understand where to line up and how to apply basic football fundamentals.

  • 30-second play clock.
  • Two runs per offensive possession.
  • Only one run allowed to gain a 1st Down.
  • One run allowed to advance towards the endzone.
  • No runs 5yds or less from the endzone.
  • No runs on extra points.
  • One coach is allowed on the field for both offense and defense.
  • Pass count is 4 seconds until “sack”.

U12 Division Rules & Goals

In this division we want to encourage the teams to start focusing on passing the ball more than running the ball.

  • 30-second play clock.
  • One run per offensive possession.
  • No runs 5yds or less from the endzone.
  • No runs on extra points.
  • No Coach allowed on the field.

U14 Division Rules & Goals

In this division we make the transition into an every-down is a pass play or a scaled-down version of HS 7v7 pass game. We want the players to start working on their skills as a QB, WR, and DB that they have learned from their coach and apply it in a fun, competitive format.

  • 30-second play clock.
  • Defense can rush the QB for only ONE time per defensive possession.
  • Defender must be lined up 7-yards behind the line of scrimmage and at least 3-yards away to either side of the rusher bag
  • MUST DECLARE to the official they are rushing the QB for that down.
  • QB can run the ball if defense decides to rush the QB.
  • No coach allowed on the field.
  • Pass count is 3 seconds until “sack”.

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A group of kids smiling and having fun at a RISE flag football game.