Start the journey of Fun-Fueled Growth

UA Flag athletes and aspiring kids from the GTA will be attending this winter's monumental UA COMBINE to measure their skills in a series of speed, agility, and football drills. Don't miss this chance to showcase talent, win prizes, meet pro players, and set the stage for an unforgettable winter season! Participating children will get to experience:

  1. CFL Pro Player Appearances
  2. Under Armour Gear - Limited edition, numbered apparel!
  3. Video analysis - 1v1 simulation footage & insights!
  4. High tech contests - Laser-timed drills, digital leaderboards & more!
  5. Skill Shark Profile - Track growth & progress all year!
  6. Prizes - For top performing athletes.

Your child's first combine sets a baseline of their skills, and motivates them to set goals for growth throughout the season. Future combines show them their tangible growth by comparing results with previous combines!

Register your child for the NEXT league or a LEVELS program, and they get a COMBINE TICKET FREE OF CHARGE!

Combine EVENT Details


CO-ED: Under 10 - Under 18


November 30 2024 (times below)

2 Locations: MISSISSAUGA & Milton

Mississauga Stadium - 560 Courtney Park Dr
  • 8:30 am to 10:30 am
Craig Kielburger School (Milton Sports Dome) - 1151 Ferguson Dr
  • 12 noon - 4 pm


Price May varies per season and location due to Different facilities
$80 per player per combine + Taxes & Fees
  • Bundle 2 combines for $140
Event complete!
Potential Candidates for Combines:

A combine's ability to show children their current skillset in real time can be a powerful tool. Here are a few of the many types of players that can benefit from a combine:

  1. The Aspiring Athlete: A beginner looking to establish a baseline and start their growth journey in flag football.
  2. The Curious Explorer: A newcomer who wants to try out flag football and see if it’s the right sport for them.
  3. The Seasoned Competitor: An experienced player seeking a checkpoint between seasons to identify areas for skill improvement.
  4. A Free Agent: A player looking to join a team in the UA Next rep league. Combines give free agents a 1-day qualification response, and if they don't qualify, we put them on a structured path to get there soon!
Focused youth playing flag football outdoors