Empower your child with UA PULSE

Winter Flag Football is here. It's Time to:

A new program that maximizes their fun and growth via:

  1. Active Growth: Leagues and Development Programs that build them up during the football season.
  2. Growth Checkpoints: Exciting one-day skills events to h
feel the pulse!

Why do things look different?

Old UAFLAG logo vs New UA FLAG logo


Program Overview

Where Fun fuelS Growth

Hi, I’m Jonathan, founder of UA Flag, and proud friend of many awesome parents. Our main goal is to help your kids enjoy sports, and fuel their  growth. That's why we created UAPULSE: A cyclical football experience that builds your child's physical skills, and improves their confidence, focus, and other traits linked to success in life. UA PULSE has Growth Checkpoints and Active Growth:

1. combines

Growth Checkpoints

Skills & drills events to identify your child's level of speed, accuracy, game IQ and more. Their results help them set goals for the season, realize past seasons' growth, and motivate them by tracking progress.


Active Growth

Your child can play in 4 different leagues.

  1. UA RISE - Co-ed, balanced competition.
  2. UA NEXT - Rep league, advanced competition.
  3. UA ELITE - All Boys / All Girls  - Provincial & National

3. LEvelS ProgramS

Active Growth

3 month development programs that accelerate your child’s physical and mental growth, while letting them track their progress for added motivation.

Long term partners in your child's growth

Our commitment to holistic growth comes from understanding how modern environmental forces such as social media can impact children long term. This new approach demands more effort and innovation, but as a parent myself, I couldn’t think of a more worthwhile goal,

and as the awesome parents you are for already being here with us, we hope you'll stick around to see the long term benefits your child deserves.

Explore Options


tracking Growth

Start the journey of Fun-Fueled Growth

UA Flag athletes and aspiring kids from the GTA will be attending this winter's monumental UA COMBINE to measure their skills in a series of speed, agility, and football drills. Don't miss this chance to showcase talent, win prizes, meet pro players, and set the stage for an unforgettable winter season! Participating children will get to experience:

  1. CFL Pro Player Appearances
  2. Under Armour Gear - Limited edition, numbered apparel!
  3. Video analysis - 1v1 simulation footage & insights!
  4. High tech contests - Laser-timed drills, digital leaderboards & more!
  5. Skill Shark Profile - Track growth & progress all year!
  6. Prizes - For top performing athletes.

Your child's first combine sets a baseline of their skills, and motivates them to set goals for growth throughout the season. Future combines show them their tangible growth by comparing results with previous combines!

Register your child for the NEXT league or a LEVELS program, and they get a COMBINE TICKET FREE OF CHARGE!

Combine EVENT Details


CO-ED: Under 10 - Under 18


November 30 2024 (times below)

2 Locations: MISSISSAUGA & Milton

Mississauga Stadium - 560 Courtney Park Dr
  • 8:30 am to 10:30 am
Craig Kielburger School (Milton Sports Dome) - 1151 Ferguson Dr
  • 12 noon - 4 pm


Price May varies per season and location due to Different facilities
$80 per player per combine + Taxes & Fees
  • Bundle 2 combines for $140
join Combine !
Potential Candidates for Combines:

A combine's ability to show children their current skillset in real time can be a powerful tool. Here are a few of the many types of players that can benefit from a combine:

  1. The Aspiring Athlete: A beginner looking to establish a baseline and start their growth journey in flag football.
  2. The Curious Explorer: A newcomer who wants to try out flag football and see if it’s the right sport for them.
  3. The Seasoned Competitor: An experienced player seeking a checkpoint between seasons to identify areas for skill improvement.
  4. A Free Agent: A player looking to join a team in the UA Next rep league. Combines give free agents a 1-day qualification response, and if they don't qualify, we put them on a structured path to get there soon!
Focused youth playing flag football outdoors

Co-Ed LEague

Balanced, Fun Competition

Flag Football For co-ed Players seeking fun & growth

Let your child experience UA RISE: Canada's largest and most exciting youth Flag Football league! They'll love the 6 v 6 format designed to uplift and build their foundational skills, confidence and new friendships! We also use advanced randomization to prevent all the best players gathering in one team. This ensures a balanced playing environment where your child gets their fair share of active gameplay.

LEt their Fun Fuel Their Growth!

This balance is essential to strengthen your child's skills, deepen their game IQ, grow as a team player, and have more fun! Our research also shows this creates a synergistic effect where your child's fun and growth fuel each other in a feedback loop to equip them with an empowering, positive growth mindset! This is especially compounded when they start the season with a Combine that measures their skills and helps them set goals.  Secure your child's RISE Flag Football season below:

Rise LEague Details


CO-ED: Under 8 - Under 14
Max 180 players


Mississauga Stadium - 560 Courtney Park Dr
  • One day per week on Saturdays - 8 weeks total
  • 8 am to 12 noon - Game times vary depending on schedule


Price May varies per season and location due to Different facilities
$325 - $365 per player Per Season (based on Age) + Taxes & Fees

2 Back to Back Seasons:

  • SEASON 1 - December 7 - January 25
  • SEASON 2 - February 2 - March 22
Season 1 Full !
Season 2 Full !

winter Spots are limited due to less indoor fields. We're soRry IN ADVANCE to parents who miss a spot!!!

A group of kids smiling and having fun at a RISE flag football game.

Growth Programs

Physical & mental Growth

3 months of Accelerated physical & Mental Growth

1. IMprove physical Skills and Game intelligence

The UA LEVELS Development Program provides data-driven progress tracking, including monthly personalized feedback to help your child progress through the program's three transformative training phases:

  • Foundations – Hone the foundational skills of offense and defense.
  • Tactics – Elevate tactical skills with advanced situational awareness training.
  • Simulations – Apply new skills in scrimmages and game simulations to build confidence and decision-making for league preparation.

2. Build Character & Resilience in a Digital World

Your child also benefits from a character-building component infused into the 3 training phases, to build life skills that are linked to long-term success:

  • Attention span – Linked to professional success, emotional control, and well-being. 1,2
  • Goal Setting – Increases successful life outcomes by 33% and improve language & math results. 3,4,5
  • Self-belief & optimism – Linked to better grades, health & physical recovery! 6,7,8
  • Will power – Linked to improved self esteem, academic & financial success. 9,10

In a world where social media is proven to erode these traits 11,12, the LEVELS program aims to help rebuild them and equip your child with the resilience and will power they need to thrive. A combination of journal goal setting and strategically timed challenges & rewards allows your child to build focus and perseverance, while celebrating milestones that reinforce their character growth both on and off the field! This can truly change the course of your child's life! Secure your child's spot in this winter's LEVELS program below:

Levels Program Details


CO-ED: Under 10 - Under 16


Mississauga Stadium - 560 Courtney Park Dr

Date & Length:

December 8 - February 23

2 Sessions AvAilable:

  • One day per week on Sundays
  • Session 1 (8:30 am - 10 am) - U10 to U14
  • Session 2 (9:30 am to 11 am) - U14 to U16


Price May varies per season and location due to Different facilities
U10 - $525 (Includes $80 Combine Fee) + Taxes & Fees
U12 - U16 $575 (Includes $80 Combine Fee) + Taxes & Fees
Program is Full !

Flexible, Commitment-free Pricing Options:

Pay as you go at $225 per month lets your child try the program with minimal comitment, and gives you the freedom to Opt out at the ned of any month. save $100 by Securing the full program up front for $575.

Month 1

UA LEVELS logo white

($80 VALUE)

4 weeks of Journal Goal Setting

Acceleration of essential offense & defense skills

1 small reward + delay option

$225 + Tax

Free Combine +
Trial Run


UA LEVELS logo white


4 weeks of Journal Goal Setting

Acceleration of Tactical Skills & Game IQ

4 weeks situational awareness training

1 medium reward + delay option

$225 + tax

Enhanced Growth +
Game IQ


UA LEVELS logo white


4 weeks of Journal Goal Setting

Acceleration of in-game fast decision making

4 weeks scrimmaging & game simulations

1 large reward (Under Armour)

Mini Combine with Growth Plan

$225 + tax

Complete Growth
Best Results

3. Ideal Candidates for Levels

LEVELS programs are customized to the skill level of each player, ranging from children who've never played flag football, to ELITE players looking to refine specific skills, and even concerned parents. Here are a few examples of ideal candidates for a LEVELS program:

  1. Seeking Confidence: For kids who need foundational skills and character-building to boost confidence before joining a league.
  2. High Potential, Low Focus: For talented kids held back by focus or discipline issues, helping them overcome these barriers to reset their path to reaching their potential.
  3. Chasing Excellence - For players eager to accelerate their progress, combining targeted training with league play for maximum skill reinforcement.
  4. Thoughtful Parents - For parents who are rightfully concerned about how social media and digital tech are eroding our children's most essential character traits, this program is the only one of its kind that we know of, which aims to help kids rebuild these traits, and provide resilience in the new digital world.


  1. American Psychological Association - Sustaining attention, self-assurance with age, and more scientific studies - https://www.apa.org/monitor/2024/07/research-attention-assurance
  2. Stipek & Valentino - Stanford University: Early Childhood Memory and Attention as Predictors of Academic Growth Trajectories - https://cepa.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/Stipek%20%26%20Valentino%2C%20final.pdf
  3. Psychology Today - Goal-Setting Is Linked to Higher Achievement - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-moment-youth/201803/goal-setting-is-linked-higher-achievement
  4. American Institutes of Research - Student Goal Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice - https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED589978.pdf
  5. Academia.edu - Setting, Elaborating, and Reflecting on Personal Goals Improves Academic Performance - https://www.academia.edu/20590197/Setting_Elaborating_and_Reflecting_on_Personal_Goals_Improves_Academic_Performance
  6. Harvard Gazette - Optimism lengthens life, study finds - https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/06/optimism-lengthens-life-study-finds/
  7. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience - Unveiling the neural underpinnings of optimism: a systematic review - https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13415-021-00931-8
  8. Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Health Education in Children and Adolescents - Self-Efficacy, Optimism, and Academic Performance as Psychoeducational Variables: Mediation Approach in Students - https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/9/3/420
  9. American Psychological Association - What you need to know about willpower: The psychological science of self-control - https://www.apa.org/topics/personality/willpower
  10. American Psychological Association - What you need to know about willpower: The psychological science of self-control - Key Points & Conclusions -  https://www.apa.org/topics/willpower-conclusion.pdf
  11. LinkedIN - Facebook Execs Admit to Intentionally Making Us Addicted, Target Our Dopamine Reward System -  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/facebook-psychology-exploitation-human-condition-why-travis-hawley-/
  12. KQED - Tech Insiders Call Out Facebook for Literally Manipulating Your Brain -  https://www.kqed.org/futureofyou/379828/tech-insiders-call-out-facebook-for-literally-manipulating-your-brain
Multicultural young kids playing flag football outdoors


Questions You May Have

Can my child play in both Back to back seasons for the RIse league?

Yes. While our aim is for every player to have a spot, we've decided not to place this specific limit because we appreciate and empathize with parents who truly want to provide an ideal growth environment for their kids during all the winter months.

Can my child play in Next and Rise leagues?

Yes. In fact, we encourage this because it gives more advanced players the opportunity to take on leadership and mentoring roles where they help and encourage players in the Rise leagues striving to improve their skills. This helps players on both sides of the equation.

The other cool benefit is that this provides an environment where a Next player can inspire and teach Rise players on his team and the opposing team by performing more intricate moves and plays. Additionally, teaching is a very effective way of learning the thing we teach to others. This can benefit the Next player as well as he truly internalizes the biomechanics and dynamics of the moves as he is forced to explain them while he teaches Rise players.

Can We register our next team for the rise leagues?

As we've mentioned, we're continuing to refine and optimize the UA Flag experience for our players to ensure maximum fulfillment and growth. This innovative approach has shown us that signing up entire Next teams with significantly higher average skill levels to play against Rise teams earlier in their growth curves creates scenarios of domination and discouragement for otherwise budding players who need a more supportive environment for growth. This also negatively impacts the Next players in ways that may not be obvious at first. The best way to explain this is by painting the ideal scenario instead. For Next coaches who want their players to benefit from extra league play in the Rise leagues, these players will get more benefit from NOT having all their Next players on the same team, for the following reasons:

1. If all your team members are also at a higher level, there won't be any opportunity for the opposing team to challenge your players. Science (and our experience) tells us that the most growth occurs when we step outside our comfort zones rather than remaining in extreme comfort. Six advanced players competing against six budding players is a prime example of keeping the advanced players in extreme comfort.

2. Your Next players also won’t have the chance to develop qualities like leadership, mentorship, and support for players earlier in their growth curve. When they play only alongside other highly skilled players, they miss the opportunity to guide and mentor less experienced teammates in need of leadership.

3. Coaches may believe that grouping all their players on one team helps them "gel" and build "chemistry." In reality, this approach often acclimates their Next players to lower levels of challenge. Based on what we know about nervous system growth through protein synthesis in response to repeated stimuli, this adaptation to easier competition can actually hinder performance when facing higher-level opponents. The best way for Next players to develop chemistry is through practicing plays and scrimmaging with other players of similar skill.

4. Teaching Next players to dominate less-skilled groups instills values contrary to those we all recognize as admirable. Instead of fostering strength, maturity, and protective instincts, it encourages dominance over those less capable. Next players should aspire to excel at a higher level while fostering growth and encouragement in developing players.

Why should my child play flag football?

Flag football is one of the fastest growing youth sports for both boys and girls in not only Canada, but North America, while also showing growth in unexpected areas like Europe. The sport offers a compelling and rational way to enjoy all the perks of football without the risk of head injuries often found in tackle football.

What does a RISE Flag Football player need to wear for games?

All players will receive an Under Armour RISE Flag Football jersey. Players also need to bring their own shorts (with no pockets) for games, and their own mouthguard. While not mandatory, we encourage players to wear cleats for better traction and performance.

What is the refund policy?

Refunds are available if requested before the season begins, though processing fees may apply. Once the season starts, refunds are typically not provided, except for medical or extenuating circumstances. For further details or to request a refund, please contact our support team.

Who coaches the RISE teams, and how can parents get involved?

Our RISE program relies on dedicated parent volunteers to coach their children’s teams. No prior experience is needed - just enthusiasm and a commitment to making the season great! Training and resources are provided to support all volunteer coaches.

Three young boys jumping to catch a football at a RISE winter game