3 months of Accelerated physical & Mental Growth

1. IMprove physical Skills and Game intelligence

The UA LEVELS Development Program provides data-driven progress tracking, including monthly personalized feedback to help your child progress through the program's three transformative training phases:

  • Foundations – Hone the foundational skills of offense and defense.
  • Tactics – Elevate tactical skills with advanced situational awareness training.
  • Simulations – Apply new skills in scrimmages and game simulations to build confidence and decision-making for league preparation.

2. Build Character & Resilience in a Digital World

Your child also benefits from a character-building component infused into the 3 training phases, to build life skills that are linked to long-term success:

  • Attention span – Linked to professional success, emotional control, and well-being. 1,2
  • Goal Setting – Increases successful life outcomes by 33% and improve language & math results. 3,4,5
  • Self-belief & optimism – Linked to better grades, health & physical recovery! 6,7,8
  • Will power – Linked to improved self esteem, academic & financial success. 9,10

In a world where social media is proven to erode these traits 11,12, the LEVELS program aims to help rebuild them and equip your child with the resilience and will power they need to thrive. A combination of journal goal setting and strategically timed challenges & rewards allows your child to build focus and perseverance, while celebrating milestones that reinforce their character growth both on and off the field! This can truly change the course of your child's life! Secure your child's spot in this winter's LEVELS program below:

Levels Program Details


CO-ED: Under 10 - Under 16


Mississauga Stadium - 560 Courtney Park Dr

Date & Length:

December 8 - February 23

2 Sessions AvAilable:

  • One day per week on Sundays
  • Session 1 (8:30 am - 10 am) - U10 to U14
  • Session 2 (9:30 am to 11 am) - U14 to U16


Price May varies per season and location due to Different facilities
U10 - $525 (Includes $80 Combine Fee) + Taxes & Fees
U12 - U16 $575 (Includes $80 Combine Fee) + Taxes & Fees
Spots Are filled!

Flexible, Commitment-free Pricing Options:

Pay as you go at $225 per month lets your child try the program with minimal comitment, and gives you the freedom to Opt out at the ned of any month. save $100 by Securing the full program up front for $575.

Month 1

UA LEVELS logo white

($80 VALUE)

4 weeks of Journal Goal Setting

Acceleration of essential offense & defense skills

1 small reward + delay option

$225 + Tax

Free Combine +
Trial Run


UA LEVELS logo white


4 weeks of Journal Goal Setting

Acceleration of Tactical Skills & Game IQ

4 weeks situational awareness training

1 medium reward + delay option

$225 + tax

Enhanced Growth +
Game IQ


UA LEVELS logo white


4 weeks of Journal Goal Setting

Acceleration of in-game fast decision making

4 weeks scrimmaging & game simulations

1 large reward (Under Armour)

Mini Combine with Growth Plan

$225 + tax

Complete Growth
Best Results

3. Ideal Candidates for Levels

LEVELS programs are customized to the skill level of each player, ranging from children who've never played flag football, to ELITE players looking to refine specific skills, and even concerned parents. Here are a few examples of ideal candidates for a LEVELS program:

  1. Seeking Confidence: For kids who need foundational skills and character-building to boost confidence before joining a league.
  2. High Potential, Low Focus: For talented kids held back by focus or discipline issues, helping them overcome these barriers to reset their path to reaching their potential.
  3. Chasing Excellence - For players eager to accelerate their progress, combining targeted training with league play for maximum skill reinforcement.
  4. Thoughtful Parents - For parents who are rightfully concerned about how social media and digital tech are eroding our children's most essential character traits, this program is the only one of its kind that we know of, which aims to help kids rebuild these traits, and provide resilience in the new digital world.

References: 1-12

  1. American Psychological Association - Sustaining attention, self-assurance with age, and more scientific studies - https://www.apa.org/monitor/2024/07/research-attention-assurance
  2. Stipek & Valentino - Stanford University: Early Childhood Memory and Attention as Predictors of Academic Growth Trajectories - https://cepa.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/Stipek%20%26%20Valentino%2C%20final.pdf
  3. Psychology Today - Goal-Setting Is Linked to Higher Achievement - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-moment-youth/201803/goal-setting-is-linked-higher-achievement
  4. American Institutes of Research - Student Goal Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice - https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED589978.pdf
  5. Academia.edu - Setting, Elaborating, and Reflecting on Personal Goals Improves Academic Performance - https://www.academia.edu/20590197/Setting_Elaborating_and_Reflecting_on_Personal_Goals_Improves_Academic_Performance
  6. Harvard Gazette - Optimism lengthens life, study finds - https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/06/optimism-lengthens-life-study-finds/
  7. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience - Unveiling the neural underpinnings of optimism: a systematic review - https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13415-021-00931-8
  8. Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Health Education in Children and Adolescents - Self-Efficacy, Optimism, and Academic Performance as Psychoeducational Variables: Mediation Approach in Students - https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/9/3/420
  9. American Psychological Association - What you need to know about willpower: The psychological science of self-control - https://www.apa.org/topics/personality/willpower
  10. American Psychological Association - What you need to know about willpower: The psychological science of self-control - Key Points & Conclusions -  https://www.apa.org/topics/willpower-conclusion.pdf
  11. LinkedIN - Facebook Execs Admit to Intentionally Making Us Addicted, Target Our Dopamine Reward System -  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/facebook-psychology-exploitation-human-condition-why-travis-hawley-/
  12. KQED - Tech Insiders Call Out Facebook for Literally Manipulating Your Brain -  https://www.kqed.org/futureofyou/379828/tech-insiders-call-out-facebook-for-literally-manipulating-your-brain
Multicultural young kids playing flag football outdoors